The Tucson Gem Show

I just returned from the International Gem and Mineral Show in Tucson, Arizona. The entire city plays host for two weeks to a massive influx of gem and jewelry wholesalers and importers from all over the world.  There, jewelry designers have access to every kind, size and color of gem, pearl, bead and stone, as well as zillions of chains, sterling silver, gold and other components for making jewelry. 

Every time I attend, I discover new treasures. My dear friend who is a longtime Tucson resident and jewelry designer, acts as patient “sherpa” and provides endless inspiration. (Thanks, Peg, for another fabulous and fruitful visit!). I returned to Charleston with an extra suitcase full of all sorts of new items to incorporate and create in my designs.  The goal is to have jewelry shows in Mt. Pleasant and Daniel Island this spring.  In the meantime, you will see new items, born from this year’s Gem Show trip, springing up on the site.  Happy shopping! 

Pamela Ireland